About Me

I am an astrophysicis PhD student and aspiring science communicator at the University of Toronto.

Recently I worked with Dr. Michael Shara at the American Museum of Natural History, using data from the Condor Array Telescope to study the eruption behavior of classical novae. I also focused on identifying narrowband transients in this data to assess the population of extragalactic cataclysmic variables.

I graduated from Haverford College in 2022 with a B.S. in physics and astronomy, where I worked with professor Karen Masters to produce my senior thesis on observationally testing how tidal interactions between galaxies affect their evolution. I also worked with professors Karen Masters and Daniel Grin on studying observational techniques for testing axion dark matter. As Co-Head of Haverford's Strawbridge Observatory public observing nights, I explored my interests in science education, communication, and outreach.

Outside of academia, I enjoy astrophotography, playing guitar, and making jewelry (a selection of my work can be found here).

You can find my CV here.

If you would like to reach me, send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.